World’s Most Amazing Wind Farms

lynn and inner dowsing wind farm1 The Worlds Most Amazing Wind 

World’s Most Amazing Wind Farms

Wind farm development is playing a huge role in a clean energy future.  While mass wind power may offer a beneficial energy alternative, the construction of wind farms creates a great deal of controversy – from the destruction of natural habitats and dangers to birds and bats to the actual World’s Most Amazing Wind Farm.  Some even argue that wind farms are ugly, disrupting the scenic coastlines and natural beauty of the world.  Take a look at these wind farm pictures and let us know your thoughts – ugly or simply amazing?

wind farm california The Worlds Most Amazing Wind Farms

The San Gorgonio Pass wind farm is one of the largest in California, generating 615 MW of power and comprised of 3,218 turbines.
Hywind: Siemens und StatoilHydro installieren erste schwimmende
The world’s firstWorld’s Most Amazing Wind Farms began producing energy just a few months ago, installed off the coast of Norway.  If the Hywind performs as expected over the next 2 years of testing, the concept could make offshore wind farm development much more efficient.
whitelee wind farm The Worlds Most Amazing Wind Farms
Whitelee wind farm went live in late May of this year and is currently the World’s Most Amazing Wind Farms Located in East Renfrewshire, Scotland, the onshore farm includes 140 turbines and can generate enough electricity to power 180,000 homes.

A Bitter Wind
Maple Ridge wind farm is currently World’s Most Amazing Wind Farms and is located in the rural farming area of Lewis County.  Operational since 2006, Maple Ridge is responsible for nearly 75% of New York’s total wind power capacity.
wind turbines on a highway signage to produce wind energy 179 The 
Worlds Most Amazing Wind Farms
This alternative energy concept creates an entirely new look for typical wind farms.  Designed by an Arizona State University student,World’s Most Amazing Wind Farms like these could generate enough electricity to supply a small apartment at low wind speeds and require no additional land usage.
horns rev wind park The Worlds Most Amazing Wind Farms
Horns Rev wind park, off the coast of Denmark, was was the world’s largest offshore wind farm when it was constructed in 2002.  The 2nd phase, Horns Rev 2, will push the farm ahead of the present offshore leader.  Still, the Greater Gabbard wind farm currently under construction in the Thames Estuary will be the World’s Most Amazing Wind Farms when it becomes operational in 2011.
lynn and inner dowsing wind farm The Worlds Most Amazing Wind 
The present title holder for the World’s Most Amazing Wind Farms became operational in late 2008 off the coast of Lincolnshire, England. Lynn and Inner Dowsing wind farm generates power for 130,000 homes but will be surpassed by the Greater Gabbard park mentioned above.
tehachapi wind farm The Worlds Most Amazing Wind Farms
Another of California’sWorld’s Most Amazing Wind Farms Tehachapi Pass is also one of the oldest wind farms still in operation.  Since the early 1980′s, turbines in this area near the Mojave Desert have been upgraded and expanded.  Currently about a dozen different companies generate electricity in the Tehachapi Pass wind farm.